Protect Your Critical Data

Cybercrime is a growing threat for many companies. Cyber criminals prowl the internet, looking to steal sensitive business data, such as medical, legal or financial information. Every day, new viruses and malware are introduced to the world-wide web, and protecting your network is vital to your business operations.
Threats and Solutions

Prevent Employees’ Misuse of Your IT Resources

While some viruses attack vulnerable systems without warning, many of them are caused by company staff. Employees are constantly surfing the web and frequent social media sites that carry lots of potential threats. To prevent data loss or system damage, team iTurbu regulates user privileges and applications, integrates monitoring software, sets encryptions, prevents intrusions, and more.

Our solutions to the most common threats:

Insider threat protection.
We ensure that only authorized users have access to your system. Additionally, we give you control to track their online behaviors and prevent attacks.
Anti-virus installation.
We install comprehensive anti-virus software on all your servers, laptops and PСs.
Anti-virus update.
Our specialists consistently update your anti-virus to ensure you’re always protected.
Firewall employment.
We aim to protect your network from viruses in any way possible. A firewall blocks viruses and keeps your system safe.
Email traffic filtering.
All ingoing and outgoing emails should be filtered for viruses. We install the filter at the perimeter of the network so that it catches everything.
Vulnerability management.
Our experts will regularly review your network and applications for vulnerabilities. All detected vulnarabilities will be patched or managed.
Regular backups.
One of the best ways to protect data is implementing backups. We will back up all your important files and keep them securely stored.
Incident response plan development.
In the case of an emergency, Team iTurbu will deploy a well strategized plan to save your data and minimize the damage.

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